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Tell the City of Spokane to build more homes…. Now!

For more than a decade, Spokane has failed to build enough homes to meet the demands of our growing community. As a result, housing prices are increasing at never-before-seen pace. On July 26th, the Spokane City Council will vote on its Housing Action Plan – one we believe is based on out-of-date housing information and will NOT adequately address the severe housing shortage we now face.

Call on the City Council to take immediate action by:

  • Allowing more housing types to be built on our dwindling spaces.
  • Expanding zoning and growth opportunities.
  • Making home ownership a top priority, reduce and rescind regulatory restrictions and fees on entry level new home construction.

If we don’t act now to address the housing crisis housing will continue to be less affordable. With action we can spur job growth, revitalize neighborhoods and increase tax revenues to support our city.

We must no longer turn a blind-eye on the economic and social impact caused by this severe lack of housing in our community. By adding your name, you’ll be joining your fellow neighbors in letting City Council know that urgent action is needed now.

Read the full letter to the City Council.

As a Spokane resident, I call on the city council to abandon its current Housing Action Plan and adopt a strategy that focuses on 1) allowing more housing types, 2) expanding zoning and growth opportunities, and 3) making home ownership a top priority by reducing and rescinding regulatory restrictions and fees on entry level new home construction.

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