First-Time Homebuyer Savings Account

Minnesota now offers a tax-preferred savings account to go toward the purchase of a home.

Save up to $28,000 for married joint filers and $14,000 for individual filers every year.

The following steps are an excerpt from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Home Loan Toolkit; a clearly written and invaluable guide for home loan shoppers.
Buying a home in Minnesota is a big investment and you should feel at ease asking questions, and discussing the process with your loved ones and your lender.
Congratulations Minnesota homeowner! You’ve closed on your mortgage and are now the proud owner or owners of a new home.
Download this Q & A from the Minnesota Department of Revenue.
Download 2017 Schedule M1Home Form.
Brought to you by the MN REALTORS®’ Homeowners Alliance
5750 Lincoln Dr. Edina, MN 55436