8 Steps to Take Before Getting a New Mortgage in Minnesota
The following steps are an excerpt from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Home Loan Toolkit; a clearly written and invaluable guide for home loan shoppers.
December 31, 2016
Quiz: Homelessness in America
December 31, 2016
4 Important Conversations to Have When Buying a Home in Minnesota
Buying a home in Minnesota is a big investment and you should feel at ease asking questions, and discussing the process with your loved ones and your lender.
December 31, 2016
4 Important Conversations To Have When Buying A Home
Purchasing a home is a big investment and you should feel at ease asking questions, and discussing the process with your loved ones and your lender.
December 30, 2016
4 Steps to Help You Protect Your Home Investment in Minnesota
Congratulations Minnesota homeowner! You’ve closed on your mortgage and are now the proud owner or owners of a new home.
December 29, 2016
Existing-Home Sales Forge Ahead in November
A big surge in the Northeast and a smaller gain in the South have pushed existing-home sales up in November for the third consecutive month.
December 21, 2016
Finding Solutions For The Homeless in America
In 2007, Florida REALTOR® Sherri Meadows had a discussion with a waiter that ultimately sparked a nationwide effort among her colleagues to address issues of homelessness.
December 8, 2016
UPDATE: REALTORS and Homeowners Work Together To Abolish Unfair Property Taxes in Honolulu
Judge Gary W.B. Chang recently overturned a property tax increase that required property owners to pay $6 for every $1,000 of their home’s appraised value.
December 8, 2016
Policy Impacting America’s Homeless
Video: Homelessness impacts our economy, our communities and our neighborhoods and we need to be sure we do all that we can to resolve it.
December 7, 2016