Massachusetts REALTORS® Get Their Hands Dirty At The South Shore Garden Project
Local REALTORS build an organic, community gardening space for use by South Shore residents.
June 26, 2017
Five Hurdles to Owning a Home
Despite steadily improving local job markets and historically low mortgage rates, the U.S. homeownership rate is stuck near a 50-year low.
June 20, 2017
President’s Tax Reform Plan Would Actually Increase Taxes For Most Homeowners
The recently released outline of a tax reform plan is well-intentioned, but leaves too much of the tax burden on the shoulders of homeowners.
June 9, 2017
Video: Is The American Dream of Homeownership In Crisis?
For many Americans, the dream of homeownership is now at risk. That’s in large part because the real estate and economic crises impacted some of us differently than others.
June 9, 2017
Mississippi REALTORS Put Homeowner Concerns In Front Of State Lawmakers
Every year, more than 200 REALTORS® from across Mississippi come to the state Capitol in Jackson during the legislative session.
June 5, 2017
Wisconsin REALTORS Win The Fight Against Costly Closing Delays
Wisconsin REALTORS help put an end to Time of Sale Requirements, which required homeowners to address a list of home repairs to complete before they could close on the sale of their home.
June 1, 2017
Michigan REALTORS Are Transforming Public Spaces For Residents
REALTORS® in Michigan are improving communities with their “Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper” (LQC) placemaking initiative.
June 1, 2017
Mississippi REALTORS Make Their Local Ronald McDonald House Feel More Like Home For Visiting Families
Local REALTORS wanted families who were staying at the house while their children were treated to have a home-cooked supper when they returned after a long day at the hospital.
June 1, 2017