Currently the City of Mobile has a population just over 190,000. If the Schillinger Corridor, Airport/Snow Corridor, and the Kings Branch corridor vote to annex, the City of Mobile will reach 200,000+ population, making Mobile, AL the second largest city in Alabama.
If the City of Mobile increases our population to be in excess of 200,000, we would be eligible for many millions more in public safety and community grant funding including:
Additional public safety grants between $5 million and $10 million – these are grants the City is already receiving and the Mayors office is confident the City will receive at the new population funding level.
Over the last several years, the Mobile area has been growing just outside the city limits in the West part of Mobile County. Currently, the City of Mobile is required to provide public safety services to 70,000 residents just outside the city limits, called the Police Jurisdiction (PJ). City residents foot the bill for the lion’s share of first responder services in the PJ.
The 2020 Census makes this a generational opportunity to improve public safety for our city, but it must happen before January 1, 2020.
Annexing these areas also helps Mobile promote the Port of Mobile as a major hub for business, increases the Port in Southeast trade, and assists in the City’s ongoing economic development efforts.
I CALL ON THE MOBILE CITY COUNCIL to allow the citizens of the Schillinger Corridor, Airport/Snow Corridor, and the Kings Branch corridor to participate in the vote to annex into the City of Mobile.
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