Members of Congress can be great champions for homeowners through policies and platforms.
Many members of Congress qualify as a #HomeownerHero. Senator Susan Collins (ME) and Senator Tim Kaine (VA) co-sponsored The Fair and Equal Housing Act of 2017 that strengthened housing protections for LGBTQ people. Both Rep. Nydia Vasquez (NY) and Sen. Bob Menendez (NJ) have been leaders on flood insurance legislation.
Members of Congress advocate for policy that fosters homeownership and protects current and future homeowners. They do so by making homeownership part of their platforms, participating in committees that work on homeownership policies, and passing legislation that promotes the value of homeownership.
Members of Congress have the power to promote homeownership, and it’s important they hear from homeowners on important issues. Stay informed on key policies surrounding homeownership, write or call your Member of Congress when issues on homeownership arise, and always vote to make sure your voice is heard in Congress.